2024 Winter Vacation Notice

Date of issue:2024-01-12 Hits:

2024 年寒假安排已出,现将具体安排通知如下:
The Winter Holiday of 2024 is arriving soon. Here are the details :
学生自 2024 1 13 日至 2024 2 23 放假。
Students will have a holiday from January 13th to February 23rd, 2024 .
全体国际学生于 2 24 -2 25 进行注册报到;
The registration date of next semester for international students will be February 24th to 25th,
Please pay attention to personal protection and comply with the school's epidemic prevention system. Please notice the following important regulations during the holidays:
For On-campus International Students
1 寒假期间 , 外出旅游或探亲者,须严格履行请假手续 ;
During the winter holidays, On-campus International students must apply for permits in advance whenever you plan to travel or pay a visit somewhere;
2 )注意防火用电安全,禁止在宿舍使用大功率电器,做饭,或抽烟;
Pay attention to the fire and electricity safety. Do not use high-power electrical appliances, cook or smoke in the dormitory;
3 )注意人身安全,遵守公寓门禁制度,离开时锁好门窗,并在运动时注意防护;
Pay attention to personal safety, abide by the curfew time of the dormitory, lock the doors and windows when leaving, and protect yourself during sports;
4 )合理安排学习及作息,养成良好生活习惯;
Please keep a healthy living habit;
5 )若有任何疑问,请及时告知国际教育学院。
If you have any questions, please inform SIE.
For Off-campus International Students
1 外出旅游或探亲者 须及时告国际教育学院; Off-campus Students must apply for permit when you plan to travel or pay a visit somewhere. Students who have emergency and special cases must inform SIE in advance;
2 )遵守相关法律法规,不组织或参与违法犯罪活动;
Abide by regulations and laws; do not organize or involve in illegal activities;
3 )注意交通安全,遵守交通法规。 不得无照驾驶;
Abide by traffic regulations and laws. Do not drive without a valid license;
4 )注意防火用电及人身安全;
Pay attention to fire, electricity, and personal safety;
5 )若有任何疑问,请及时告知国际教育学院;
If you have any questions, please inform SIE.
For Registered International Students
1 All registered international students must comply with Chinese laws and regulations in addition to our university’s regulations and rules. Violation of national laws and regulations will result in legal penalties from the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice, and also punishment (from warning to expulsion from school) given by Xi’an Technological University.
Special attention should be paid to cases such as illegal working with student visa, expired visas, unruly behavior due to alcohol, and disturbing the peace when staying off campus. Students who need to leave Xi’an must fill in the form in DingTalk and get permission from SIE.
所有外国留学生除了需要遵守学校的规章制度,还须遵守中国的法律法规。违反国家法律法 规的,将受到公安部、司法部的法律处罚,学校将视情节给予警告直至开除学籍处分。应特 别注意持学生签证非法工作、签证过期、因酒后行为不检、校外住宿扰乱治安等情况。另外, 需要请假的学生必须在钉钉中申请,审批通过后方可离开西安。
2 Students should only participate in religious activities at lawfully registered Buddhist monasteries, Taoist temples, mosques, churches within Chinese territory. Do not organize or participate in any illegal assembly, rally, campaign, or protests. And, do not engage in religious activities in the dorm and public areas.
学生只能在中国境内合法注册的佛教寺院、道观、清真寺、教堂参加宗教活动。不要组织或 参与任何非法集会、集会、运动或抗议。并且,不要在宿舍和公共区域从事宗教活动。
* 所有同学请于 每天 22:00 之前 填写并提交 每日健康报告 ,若有任何异常情况及时告知国 际教育学院。
Please submit your Daily Health Report before 22:00 everyday and inform SIE if there is any problem.

School of International Education, XATU Address:No.2 Xuefu Road, Weiyang District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.C.
Tel:+86-29-86173396 Postal Code:710021
